First project review

The first project review will take place on 29 March 2011 at INRIA, 23 avenue d’Italie, 75013 Paris (see map)


9:00 Private meeting between project officer and reviewers

9:30 Radu Horaud: Introduction to the agenda, overview of work done during the period.

10:00 Demos

10:30 WP1: Application scenarios and benchmarks. Deliverables D1.1 and D1.2

10:50 WP2: Interaction-enabling memory architecture. Deliverable D2.1

11:20 Coffee break & Posters

11:45 WP3: Active multimodal exploration. Deliverable 3.1 and 3.2

12:15 WP4: Audio-visual recognition. Deliverable 4.1

12:45 Lunch

13:40 WP5: Interaction and communication. Deliverable 5.1

14:00 WP6: Collaborative OSS platform

14:15 WP7: Integration and validation (20 min presentations + 25 min open demo slot, probably parallel)

15:00 WP8: Dissemination and exploitation

15:15 Radu Horaud: Plans for the next period

15:30 Questions and open discussion

16:00 Private meeting between project officer and reviewers

16:30 Reviewers’ feedback

17:00 End of meeting

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